Signal Path 04

Hello Patreons,
I have some good and some (minor) bad news. I was planning to release SubBB 2.0 in mid-January but had to put that on hold when I discovered some bugs in the Mac build. After a week of testing and searching, I could conclude that the issues weren’t caused by me but by the tools I used. Next week I made about 10 test plugins for the tool developers to use to search for the bug. I called them “Signal Path” followed by a number. None of them was anything special, I just used the same stuff that triggered the bugs in the first place but did it in different ways for every plugin to help them find the issue. Number 4 of the “Signal Path”-test plugins was an envelope follower. It’s a plugin that consists of an envelope follower that controls a VCA for the incoming signal. It blends this “enveloped” signal into the dry signal with a wet/dry knob called “Amount”. I was blown away when fiddling around with it in a test project and immediately tried it on a client track and couldn’t believe the result. This thing is next level even in its current state. Development time so far is about 1.5 hours, it took longer to make the video, installers, and write this.  =)

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