SubBB, or Sub-bas Black Box, is a sub-frequency toolbox that makes controlling sub-frequencies while mastering a breeze. Use it to gently manage the sub’s dynamics or add a ridiculous amount of bass that still works.
Changelog v2.51:
Fixed the Boost knob. It produced weird values in certain positions.
Added a dB readout on top of the Boost knob.
Changed the default setting of Shape2 to match the levels of the original signal.
Changed the default position of the Shape section to Shape2.
Available as:
Windows – 64bit VST3
macOS – 64bit AU & VST3 (Not signed and notarized (yet))
The installers will install the builds from the current stable framework (OLD), and the newer beta framework (NEW).
That means:
Windows installer; Will install 2 different VST3 builds. They’re named “plugin name OLD” and “plugin name NEW” in your plugin list.
Mac installer; Will install 2 different AU versions. They’re named “plugin name OLD” and “plugin name NEW” in your plugin list. Plus, a VST3 version built with the newer beta framework, is also named “plugin name NEW” in your list of plugins.
There are no sonic differences between the OLD and NEW versions, use the one that works the best for your system. If you only want to uninstall versions you don’t use, you have to manually delete the corresponding SubBB folder from your plugin folders.
Download for Patrons:
Try the demo, attached below!