TALC – Boost your high-end without harshness

TALC has been updated to version 1.10 – TALC got mid/side!


  • Added a mid (sum) / side (difference) slider

Talc will help you boost your high-end without making things sounding harsh or unpleasant. It does that by blending in a linear phase high-shelf boost dynamically. Two different dynamic engines control the amount of boost, they’re called “Dynamic Dry-Wet” and “Sibilance Protection”. The “Dynamic Dry-Wet” follows the overall envelope with a 10 ms attack and a 2-second release. It will make sure that your high-end follows the energy of your music. The other one, Sibilance Protection, protects the signal from boosts that may end up sounding harsh. It will bypass the effect as soon it detects sibilance or a sharp transient. The result is a smooth high-end boost hard to achieve using other tools.


Even though TALC was made with mastering in mind; Try it as your high-end booster on vocals. I bet you won’t need a de-esser.

Available as:

  • macOS 64-bit AU & VST3

  • Windows 64-bit VST3

Download for Patrons:


Demo versions are attached below…

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