Reaper Script: Time at Cursor and Dynamic Timer v2.52

 This script allows you to set a virtual zero position in your Reaper project and displays the time at your cursor relative to that position. I originally created it for situations where clients reference specific times in a song, but the song doesn’t start at the Reaper project’s default zero position (e.g., when mastering an album). Since its release, I’ve received emails from people who found all kinds of creative uses for it and started to use it for all kinds of tasks myself!

With this script, you can place a new virtual zero at the start of a track and use the built-in timer to quickly locate the desired position.

What’s New in v2.52:

  • The text in buttons is animated to get a better sense of a ‘click’

Core Features:

  • Time at Cursor: Displays the time at your cursor relative to a custom zero point (called “Reset” in the script).

  • Dynamic Timer: Tracks playback time relative to the zero point in real-time.

  • Easy Reset & Navigation: Quickly reset the zero point, navigate to it, or play from it.

How to Use:

  • Download the script (attached).

  • Load it into Reaper:

    • Go to Actions > Show Action List > ReaScript > Load and select the script.

  • Run the script: Launch it to display the timer and new controls.

Feel free to share any feedback or suggestions – I’d love to hear your thoughts!


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