Patreon sent out the old post for some reason, this is the right one. Sorry about that.
it’s a 50-minute-long video even though I tried to keep it short. No need to view the whole thing if you’re familiar with loudness/LUFS or previously used the alpha and beta releases. There’s a sneak peek of a new plugin at 36 minutes, though.
Are you losing loudness on streaming platforms because of the LUFS Gates?
LuRar is a measurement plugin that helps you find passages of audio that will be gated from the integrated LUFS calculation while mastering or working in post-production. Sometimes you can have your audio played back 0.5 – 2 dB louder by just adding level in low-level passages.
Thank you Alexander for letting me use your music!
Check out Alexander’s music here:
A Quick ‘How to Use’ guide:
- Render your master and find out what the integrated LUFS value currently is
- Put that value in the top box of the plugin, for example, -10.4
- Use the ‘Noise Test’ function to find out if there’s loudness to gain using the process shown in this video:
- OR – Use the ‘Beep’ mode to hear a 440 Hz peep every time the gate goes below the threshold
- OR – Use it in normal mode and keep your eyes on the LED and the ‘GATED’ warning placed in the middle of the plugin.
- OR – Put your DAW in automation mode ‘Write’ and watch the plugin write the gate as automation. *The plugin needs to be open/visible to write automation.
The three modes:
- Normal mode – Both ‘Add Noise’ and ‘Warn’ are in the up position. In this mode, the plugin works as a loudness GATE meter. It will warn you when the gate is triggered by showing a red LED and the text ‘GATED’ in the meter placed right in the center of the plugin
- Add Noise – the ‘Add Noise’ button in the down position. This mode will add a dynamic filtered noise between 19 – 20 kHz to push audio above the loudness gate. Render your master with this activated to find out how much you may gain by altering the levels in the quiet parts of your song. IT’S NOT MEANT TO BE USED FOR YOUR FINAL MASTER, IT IS THERE TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH YOU MAY GAIN FROM ALTERING YOUR MIX/MASTER
- Beep- the ‘Beep’ button in the down position (it will bypass Add Noise if that’s activated). In ‘Warn’ mode, a 440Hz sine tone will be played as soon as the gate is activated to make you aware that a gain boost of that passage may be beneficial for a lower integrated readout of the end product. DON’T FORGET TO TURN IT OFF FOR YOUR FINAL MASTER
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