This plugin is available at Patreon together with all our other goodies. Join me there!
Chokidar EQ is intended for balancing mixes in mastering. Chokidar is build from an ingenious analogue concept that would have knocked your socks of if it wasn’t for the amount of added noise. When we went through the blue prints for the analogue circuits we realized that it would be fairly easy to make a digital version that would be completely noise free (digital “cabling” is good that way) so we went ahead and created the Hi-Shelf filter at first and got stunned how good it was. The principle seemed to migrate really well into the digital world so we decided to build the whole damn thing. You can almost guess what it does by just listen to it and you might as well do that because we’re going to keep the concept a secret, at least for now.
New in 2.0:
- Added an extra band (Low Mid)
- New gain structure with even more of an analogue feel
- New High Pass filter
- Less CPU
Stolen quotes from our testers
-“Magic made easy”
-“Is this analogue?”
-“It feels natural to balance a mix with Chokidar”
-“Best Lo Pass filter I’ve ever heard”
Quick tutorial / Walk through
Thanks to:
Rob Herder, Chris Townsend, Peter Schoffhauser, Jeff McClintock, Lee Louque, Snoochie Bear, John Parry and all of our testers.
As of the release of version 2.0, version 1.0 is now completely FREE!!!
For Windows 32Bit hosts (or bridged in 64bit hosts)
Good to know:
- Windows users: Our plugins depend on Microsoft Visual C++ 2015, you can get it here: Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable
- By downloading any of our plugins you subscribe to our mailing list. You will be able to unsubscribe at any time either here or with an unsubscribe link in the e-mails.
- Mac versions (if present) are still considered as test-builds, they seem to work perfectly but we’re still testing.
- We currently don’t officially support OSX older than Catalina
- You may have to bypass Apple Gatekeeper to use my plugins.
There are two ways to do this:- In your DAW, hit ‘Cancel’ to the message, then open System Preferences/Security & Privacy, you should see the plugin mentioned at the bottom. Click ‘Allow Anyway’ to enable it.
- Open Terminal. Type the following three commands, hitting ‘return’ in between.
sudo spctl –master-disable
auval -a
sudo spctl –master-enable