
59 hours left on our Indiegogo campaign. We realized that we most probably won’t reach our funding goals (lol) but at least we hope to get enough to pay for the most important license, the Juce c++ library, we’re almost there… just need a little push over the edge.

Would you please give us the final push? =)

We’re more than halfway through the development of Midsider 2.0, donors get to try the alpha release no matter the perk or size of the donation, so jump on now to save some bucks on a couple of up and coming plugins and support three very lovely people in the process!!!

bye bye logic, hello reaper!

Amongst other things we’re in the middle of changing DAW’s to get a smoother and easier workflow. We’re going for a kinda mirror setup since we move each tune back and forth between us during the whole process. The time had finally come to the tiresome process of bouncing.  So we got together, had some cake and coffee and got to work…